Featured on the NAMI Blog: 3 Powerful Messages for Promoting Mental Health Awareness in Every School

HomeNewsFeatured on the NAMI Blog: 3 Powerful Messages for Promoting Mental Health Awareness in Every School


With the whir of marketing and messaging swirling around us every day, it’s easy to lose some of your focus and can make it hard to keep your momentum going. Because I know you work hard every day to promote mental health awareness in your classroom and at your school, I wanted to help you by giving you three clear points to focus on.

Click here to read the full article on the NAMI blog, or click the image below.

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In July, I have the honor of presenting at the 2015 NAMI National Convention. If you’re going to be there or are following the events, connect with me on Twitter @HakeemRahim to continue the conversation and share your point of view!